Articles - Reflections

The Kneeling Prayers
On the Sunday of Pentecost, usually after the Divine Liturgy, we celebrate the Vespers of Monday of the Holy Spirit. The service is known as

About Evil, Sorrows, Pain and Death in the World
The fact of Christ’s Resurrection also provides the answer to the question of why evil, sorrows, pain and death are found in the world. Evil, death, and everything that wounds us were not created by God. All these things were caused by us, and we are the ones who perpetuate them by making bad use of the freedom that God has given to us. If today there are children who die from hunger, this is not God’s doing. It is our fault, for we do not wish to sacrifice our comfortable lives, and we prefer to bury various kinds of food to prevent prices from falling and to generate higher profits.

Celebrating the Feast of Ascension
The Ascension as the pinnacle of the Feasts of the Lord: How bright and wonderful is this Feast! It is the pinnacle of all the Feasts of the Lord, because with it the sacred and saving purpose of the Divine Incarnation and Inhomination of the Word of God is completed. For what purpose did the Son and Word of God become man, and underwent the passion, the death, the resurrection…and the ascension? All these events took place so that the human nature might not remain below on the earth, but be raised to heaven, become deified and glorified according to the Creator’s original design.